Honour Guards


Attending RCMP & Local Police Service Events

longservicemedalMembers of Toronto Division attending Milton Detachment RCMP for Long Service Medal Presentation.

Social Committee Events


A shot from our annual Wine and Cheese Reception

OutReach to Charitable Organizations


Our members participating at a presentation to the The Community Association For Riders With Disabilities.

Bursary Program

The Bursary Program is currently 'On Hold' as we we consider potential changes and improvements to the program.

Sick Committee

Keeping in contact and helping out when a member falls ill.



Golf and Other Events


Toronto Division hosts a Golf Tournament every August for local Vets as well as RCMP members and guests.  It is planned as a fun and relaxed afternoon of comradery followed by buffet luncheon.

Guest Speakers


Remembrance Day Ceremonies


Grave Location and Maintenance Program


Through research of Northwest Mounted Police (NWMP), Royal Northwest Mounted Police (RNWMP) and Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) gravesites, Division volunteers visit and pay honour to fallen comrades.

Widow and Widowers Committee

Committee members keep in touch with, and arrange special outings for, Toronto Division Widows & Widowers.

President Steve and Committee Chair Bob with group at Mandarin Restaurant luncheon.

Curated Services to Members

Local Businesses which support Toronto Division

Medallion Ins
           (Previously known as D.A. Kurt Insurance)


Image result for Woodbine EntertainmentImage result for hilton toronto/markham suites conference centre & spa

Pension Information

Through the office of our Division Advocate we are able to provide our members with the most up-to-date health and pension information.  We are also able to provide assistance with applications for updated or new pension, health and disability matters.

Veterans Affairs Canada


In cooperation with the RCMP VAC Liaison Member,  Toronto Division provides updates and ongoing information on services available for RCMP members and Veterans.