Note of Thanks from Musical Ride organizers in Apsley, Ont.

The Charge

Hi  Folks:  Congratulation to all the our Lions members, volunteers, Township employees, councillors, and everyone associated with helping to bring the Musical Ride to Apsley.  Also congratulations to the members  of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police on an outstanding performance and event in Apsley.  There wasn’t a single person in this large crowd that didn’t feel extremely proud to be a Canadian and to watch the Musical Ride in our very own village.  It was truly just an awesome thing to see.  The show brought tears to our eyes.  Some of the children who watched the performance really want to become an RCMP when they grow up!  All the best and again, thanks to all of you, you did us proud.  Jack & Nancy Nelson

ed note:  Jack Nelson is a former member of the Toronto Vets and contacted us in January of this year for help in hosting the Ride in Apsley.