RCMP Veterans' Association Toronto Division

The Online Home of the Toronto RCMP Veterans

RCMP Veterans' Association Toronto Division

The Online Home of the Toronto RCMP Veterans

RCMP Veterans' Association Toronto Division

The Online Home of the Toronto RCMP Veterans

Barbeque at Port Credit Legion

2016-06-15 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM
35 Front Street North, Mississauga, ON, Canada
Address: 35 Front Street North, Mississauga, ON, Canada
Port Credit Legion
Toronto RCMP Vets would like to extend an invitation to our ‘Kick Off to Summer!’ BBQ lunch on
 June 15, 2016 from Noon to 3 PM at the Port Credit Legion Branch #82, 35 Front St. W in Port Credit (located between Lakeshore Blvd. And Mississauga Rd)‎.
The BBQ is being sponsored by Toronto Vets with a cash bar provided. 
Please RSVP to Tammy Felts by June 08: tammy.felts@sympatico.ca OR 647-519-0746.