Division History

Historical Sketch
Toronto Division
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Veterans’ Association

Compiled by Will Jewett

November 4th, 1959
A meeting of 10 ex-members of the Force was held at the Beverly Street Barracks, Dundas and Beverley Streets, Toronto, as a preliminary step toward the formation of a Division of the R.C.M.P. Veterans’ Association in Toronto. The meeting was attended by:

  • J.I. MacLean
  • George S. Howard
  • J.J. Cranney
  • James C. Cameron
  • Andy M. Veitch
  • Don F. Robinson
  • W.W. Allison
  • Albert Chapman
  • David Thackray
  • H.C. ‘Mickey’ McGuire
December 18th, 1959
Toronto area ex-members attended a Stag at Beverley Street Barracks. Hosts were the Officers, N.C.O.’s and men of “O” Division. This party – the opportunity for camaraderie and reminiscence – gave impetus to what was already under way for the formation of a Division of the R.C.M. P. Veterans’ Association in Toronto.

A newsletter describing the Stag, dated December 23, 1959, went out to forty-seven known ex-Members in and around Toronto.

D.A. (Dave) Thackray and J.I. (Jerry) MacLean were contacts for ex-Members who were interested. Dave and Jerry had been active Members of “J” Division of the Association in Windsor, Ontario throughout most of the nineteen fifties. Dave, at this point in time, was a District Superintendent representing the Toronto and Windsor areas, on the Dominion Executive of the Association which had its Headquarter in Calgary, Alberta.

January 6th, 1960
By now there were 58 names on the mailing list. Dominion Headquarters had reserved the designation “T” for the Toronto Division – not because of the Toronto location, but because Divisions “R” and “S” had been formed in Sudbury and Saskatoon, respectively. Notice went out this date, advising of a meeting to be held January 17, 1960, to organize “T” Division of the Association.
January 17th, 1960
Twenty-seven former members met at the Beverley Street Barracks on this Sunday afternoon and unanimously agreed to the formation of a Division of the R.C.M.P. Veterans’ Association in the Toronto area. Elected pro-tem were:

  • Chairman – H.C. ‘Mickey’ McGuire
  • Secretary – J.J. ‘Pat’ Cranney

A committee of three (unidentifiable) was appointed by Chairman McGuire to produce a slate of officers, for the next meeting. Annual dues were set at $5.00, which included $.50 per capita dues to Dominion Headquarters, plus $1.00 for a lapel pin. Headquarters had recommended that membership dues should included $1.00 for a subscription to the publication “Scarlet and Gold”. Those present voted to reject this recommendation.

February 12th, 1960
Thirty-eight former members meet at Beverley Street Barracks to elect their officers, and to receive the Divisional Charter from Dominion Headquarters.
The First Executive was:

H.C. ‘Mickey’ McGuire
George S. Howard
R.W. Barbeau
Executive Officers
Andy Veitch, Randy B. Hara, Jerry I. MacLean

Additionally, committees were set up for Membership, Credentials, Publicity and Sick.
Dave Thackray, on behalf of Dominion Headquarters, presented President McGuire with the “T” Division Charter, the sixteenth in the Association.
By this time the mailing list consisted of more than one hundred names in the Toronto-Hamilton area and included people from as far north as Barrie.

“T” Division adopted the Objects and Aims of the Association:

  • To promote, and work for, the best interests of the Commonwealth of Nations and in particular, those of Canada.
  • To hold itself, as a body, at the service of the Government of Canada when called upon.
  • To assist all former members of the R.N.W.M.P. and R.C.M.P. admitted to the Association and to provide, charitably, for such former members of the said Force, their widows and dependents as are in need.
  • To bring the weight of united effort to bear upon all important questions concerning the Association and its members.
  • To assist in every way, the parent body, now the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
  • To see that the funerals of deceased members are conducted with due respect and ceremony, and that their graves are decently kept.
March 11th, 1960
Fifty-plus former members attended “T” Division’s regular meeting. Guests of honour were D/Commissioner George B. McClellan, and Supt. F.A. Regan, Officer Commanding “O” Division. D/Comm’r McClellan addressed the meeting. Host for the meeting was Carling Breweries Limited, which supplied the meeting place and the hospitality of refreshments and a buffet. There were now forty members of the Division.
April 8th, 1960
New, permanent quarters for “T” Division in the Sgts’ Mess, Irish Regiment, Fort York Armories, was the site of the date’s meeting. Adverse weather conditions limited attendance to thirty- seven.
June 4th, 1960
The first social evening under the capable hands of Madeline and Jerry MacLean, was held. Admission to this affair was $1.00 per person.
June 10, 1960
A Motion to hold a monthly raffle, starting in September, was passed. Two hundred tickets are to be sold at $1.00, with one prize of $100.00. The proceeds are to be kept separate from general administration funds. The first drawing was held October 14th. The winner was Miss V.M. Fitzpatrick on a ticket sold by Harold Page.
November 11, 1960
The Executive For 1961:

Harold Lloyd
E.H.S. ‘Ted’ Smith
John D. Anderson
Executive Officers
T.J. ‘Jack’ Woods,A.M. ‘Andy’ Veitch,Jerry I. MacLean

68 members

November 19th, 1960
An enjoyable evening in the form of a Ladies’ Night was held at the Pine Point Community Centre, Rexdale, Ont. Tickets sold at $2.50 per person, with a buffet supper and bar provided at modest prices. Jerry MacLean, assisted by Harold Lloyd, achieved a social success which evoked many favorable comments.
February 10th, 1961
Lewis McLauchlan, by unanimous vote of the membership, was appointed a Life Member of the Division.
November 10, 1962
The Executive For 1962:

Past President
Harold Lloyd
Ted Atherton
Ivan Brodie
John D. Anderson
Executive Committee
Ivan Brodie,Frank Call,Andy Veitch

80 members.

At this meeting, By-laws approved by Dominion Headquarters, were available for members.

November 2nd, 1962
The Executive For 1963:

Past President
Ted Atherton
Jerry MacLean
Harold Page
H.C. ‘Mickey’ McGuire
Executive Committee
Fred Thompson,Ted Smith,Andy Veitch

78 members

February 9th, 1963
The Division’s first Biennial Dinner was held at the Queen Elizabeth Building, Directors’ Dining Room, Exhibition Grounds, Toronto. One hundred and twenty two former members and serving members of the Force, attended.

Guest speaker, Commissioner Harvison, was accompanied by Deputy Commissioner George B. McClellan who spoke briefly. The D/Comm’r had a very close working relationship with the Reserve in Toronto while stationed here, and was kept busy chatting with the thirty-plus former members thereof who were in attendance.

November 9, 1963
The Executive For 1964:

Past President
Jerry MacLean
Harold Page
Ivan Brodie
H.C. ‘Mickey’ McGuire
Executive Committee
Ty Birkett,Ralph Weston,Andy Veitch

78 members

December 13th, 1963
A Motion by Ivan Brodie was passed whereby the designation “Comrade”, in referring to Association Members, be dropped. This action was forwarded to Dominion Headquarters for consideration at the next Annual General Meeting, with the recommendation that each Division be supplied with a copy of the resolution. The proposal was defeated at the AGM, February 16, 1964.
February 14th, 1964
The membership voted to send a representative to the AGM at Calgary on February 16th, due to concern over the finances of the magazine, “The Mountie”. The Division Secretary made the quick trip.
May 8th, 1964
Lewis McLauchlan, Reg. No. 3322, one of the founding members of “T” Division, celebrates his 90th birthday on May 21st. This meeting was ‘Lew McLauchlan Night’. Ray Nelson made a presentation to Lew on behalf of the Division.
September 11th, 1964
Joe O’Grady reported upon a meeting of a headquarters Committee which considered a proposed move of Headquarter from Calgary to Ottawa. All Division agree the move is desirable. Joe will attend a further meeting on October 17th. Joe also reported that at meetings in Ottawa on April 15th and June 27th, discussions dealt with the possibility of changing or dropping the use of letters as Division designations.

The possibility of holding another banquet, similar to that held in 1963, was discussed. With next February or March in mind, a committee of 8 volunteers undertook to bring this to reality.

October 9, 1964
H.C. ‘Mickey’ McGuire was voted as “T” Division’s representative on the Dominion Board.
November 13th, 1964
The Executive For 1965:

Past President
Harold Page
Ivan M. Brodie
John Anderson
H.C. ‘Mickey’ McGuire
Executive Committee
Ty Birkett, Jim Cameron, Andy Veitch

84 members

Plans for the second biennial dinner were announced. It will be held February 20, 1965 at the Queen Elizabeth Building, C.N.E. Grounds. Commissioner McClellan has accepted an invitation to attend. Tickets are $6.00 per person.

January 8th, 1965
This was the final meeting in the Irish Regiment Sgts’ Mess. By decree of the Minister of National Defence the Irish Regiment is disbanded. Arrangements have been made to hold future meetings in the Sgts’ Mess, Royal Regiment of Canada.
February 20th, 1965
The biennial dinner, in spite of nasty weather, was attended by 136 former and serving Members of the Force, Commissioner Geo. B. McClellan delivered a highly interesting address. Guests included the Commissioner O.P.P., Toronto’s Chief of Police, and the C.O., R.C.M.P., O Division.

The move of Dominion Headquarters from Calgary to Ottawa has been accomplished. At the final meeting in Calgary on February 7th, the Commissioner installed the new President and Vice-President. At the take-over meeting in Ottawa on February 17th, he installed the remainder of the Dominion Executive.

March 12th, 1965
The Executive For 1966:

Past President
Ivan Brodie
John Anderson
George Willby
H.C. ‘Mickey’ McGuire
Executive Committee
Lloyd G. Stewart, Frank Call, Jim Cameron

101 members

May 20-22nd, 1966
The first Annual General Meeting in Eastern Canada was held in Ottawa. President John Anderson attended as our Official Delegate. Six Toronto Members attended what proved to be a highly successful meeting. By Resolution No. 7 on the Agenda, Alphabetical designations for Divisions will be dropped – we now become ‘Toronto’ Division, and no longer “T” Division.
June 10th, 1966
President John Anderson delivered a report on the Annual General Meeting in Ottawa. He also announced that arrangements have been made to hold future meetings in the Sgts’ Mess, The Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada, located in the new Moss Park Armory.
November 18th, 1966
The Executive For 1967:

Past President
John D. Anderson
George Willby
Lloyd G. Stewart
H.C. ‘Mickey’ McGuire
Executive Committee
Jim Cameron, Gordon K. Collins, Fred W. Thompson

114 members

January 13th, 1967
A motion to grant Life Membership to H. C. ‘Mickey’ McGuire in recognition of his years of faithful service as Secretary – Treasurer of the Division was passed unanimously.
February 11th, 1967
The Third Biennial Dinner was held in the Queen Elizabeth Building at the C.N.C. Grounds. In appreciation for his address, Comm’r McLellan was given a standing ovation by the 146 persons present. Chief James Mackay, Metro Toronto Police, and Comm’r Eric Silk, O.P.P., were among the invited guests.
September 8th, 1967
The meeting this date – like those in the future – was held in the Sgts’ Mess, 7th Toronto Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery, at Moss Park Armory.

The membership voted to increase the per capita tax to $2.00 effective in 1968. This came as a consequence of a Resolution at this year’s A.G.M. to increase the per capita tax to $2.00 effective in 1968.

November 10th, 1967
The Executive For 1968:

Past President
George Willby
Lloyd G. Stewart
Fred W. Thompson
H.C. ‘Mickey’ McGuire
Executive Committee
Gordon K. Collins, Jim Cameron, Roy N. Campbell

124 members.

December 13, 1968
The Executive For 1969:

Past President
Lloyd G. Stewart
Fred W. Thompson
Roy N. Campbell
H.C. ‘Mickey’ McGuire
Executive Committee
Gordon K. Collins, Doug Hiron, G.J. ‘Kelly’ LaBrash

121 members.

February 7, 1969
The fourth Biennial Dinner was held at the Beverley Hills Motor Hotel. One hundred and fifty past and present Members of the Force attended. R.C.M.P. Comm’r M.F.A. Lindsay gave a comprehensive review of goings-on in the Force at present. Guests included O.P.P. Comm’r Eric Silk, Metro Chief James Mackay, Chief Supt. Joseph Downey, C.O. “O” Div., John S. Proctor, member of the Association’s Advisory Board, Insp. Jim Macauley, C.I.B. Officer, Ottawa, and Sydney B. Pratt, Dominion President, Ottawa. Dinner tickets were $7.00 each.

A Life Membership Certificate was presented to Andy Veitch (through Ray Nelson) in recognition of his unselfish work on the Sick Committee from the time the Division was formed.

George McLeod was presented with a gift in recognition of his many years of operating the monthly draw.

December 12, 1969
The Executive For 1970:

Past President
Fred Thompson
Roy N. Campbell
Gordon K. Collins
H.C. ‘Mickey’ McGuire
Executive Committee
Kelly LaBrash, Doug Hiron, Wesley (Kit) Carson

125 members.

January 9th, 1970
In attendance were representatives from the newly-formed O.P.P. Veterans’ Association – namely, President Elmer Hoath, Dave Mitchell, and Al Williams. The Division presented a gavel to President Hoath.
March 13th, 1970
Miss Esther Cullen, soon to retire after 45 years of service as Secretary to Officers Commanding “O” Division, was unanimously recommended for appointment as an Honorary Member of the Association. Note: The Certificate was presented to Miss Cullen at “O” Division H.Q. on June 24th by President Campbell.
December 11th, 1970
The Executive For 1971:

Past President
Roy Campbell
Gordon Collins
Kelly LaBrash
H.C. ‘Mickey’ McGuire
Executive Committee
William Wales, Doug Hiron, Wm. Condie

136 members.

February 12th, 1971
The fifth Biennial Dinner was held at the Beverley Hills Motor Hotel, with tickets selling at $8.00. Attendance of 170 included not only serving and ex-Members of the Force, but members of other police forces.

Commissioner W.L. Higgitt gave an interesting comparison of the Force today and ten years ago. O.P.P. Comm’r Silk, Metro Toronto Chief Harold Adamson, and A/Comm’r M. Nadon were among invited guests.

April 8th, 1971
The recent proposal by Great West Life for a tax-saving Registered Retirement Savings Plan program, as well as the general operating rules, etc., of such Plans, was explained to Members by Willard Jewett. Many Members were not aware of the tax savings and benefits available to them.

Our April Bulletin carried news of the passing of Lewis McLauchlan at Halifax, on March 2, 1971, in his 96th year. Lew joined the Force in 1898 as Regimental Number 3322 and was retired to pension as a Detective Sergeant in 1927. Lew was a Charter Member of this Division, and in 1961 was appointed a Life Member.

December 10th, 1971
The Executive For 1972:

Past President
Gordon Collins
G.J. Kelly LaBrash
William Wales
H.C. ‘Mickey’ McGuire
Executive Committee
Doug Hiron, W.R. ‘Bill’ Condie, W.L. ‘Bill’ Jewett

136 members.

January 14th, 1972
George E. McLeod was made a Life Member in recognition of his service to the Division since 1960 in operating the 50-50 draw. President Kelly LaBrash presented a framed certificate to George.
May 12, 1972
Executive Member ‘Bill’ Jewett, as our Division representative on the “O” Division Centennial Committee, outlined plans for the observance by and with the Force, of its Centennial year.

Douglas O. Forrest presented to the Division a large, stainless steel plaque bearing the crest of the Force. It was suggested the plaque be framed and presented to “O” Division in conjunction with the opening of the new Headquarters building.

December 8, 1972
The Executive For 1973:

Past President
G.J. ‘Kelly’ LaBrash
William Wales
Doug Hiron
H.C. ‘Mickey’ McGuire
Executive Committee
W.L. ‘Bill’ Jewett, Ross Wren, D.C. ‘Cam’ Sprott

152 members.

February 9th, 1973
The sixth biennial dinner was held at the Westbury Hotel, with the largest crowd ever in attendance. Commissioner Geo. B. McLellan (Ret’d), Alberta’s Ombudsman, delivered an outstanding address on the history of the Force. In appreciation, President Wales presented him with a signed, numbered print by David Blackwood of “Northern Patrol RCMP”, commissioned by the “O” Division Sgts’ Mess. Vice-President Hiron presented to the C.O., “O” Division, A/Commr. Lysyk, the stainless steel plaque, which had been donated by Doug Forrest. Tickets for this dinner sold at $10.00.
May 11th, 1973
The membership voted to increase annual dues to $7.00, effective January 1, 1974. Past President Kelly LaBrash presented Long Service Medal Bronze Clasps to Lloyd McCulloch and Jack Waterman.
August 16 – 19th, 1973
As part of our co-operation with “O” Division in the Centennial observances, the Division provided eight buses and transported sixty handicapped children to each of four nightly performances of the Musical Ride at the C.N.E. Grounds.

Through the kind courtesy of A/Commr. E.R. Lysyk, two Members of the Association were guests at each performance of the RCMP Centennial Revue at the Coliseum and at the Grandstand. We were signally honored when President Wales took the Salute at the Coliseum on August 14th.

November 28th, 1973
Several members attended a Memorial Service and Dedication at “O” Division H.Q., honoring Members of “O” Division who died in service. President Wales participated by reading from Scripture.
December 15th, 1973
The Executive For 1974:

Past President
William Wales
Douglas W. Hiron
D.C. ‘Cam’ Sprott
H.C. ‘Mickey’ McGuire
Executive Committee
Ross Wren, Ken Maciver, Max Giesbrecht

165 members.

January 11th, 1974
Andy Veitch has served as Chairman of the Sick Committee since 1960. His resignation, tendered at this meeting, was accepted by the membership. Andy was given a standing ovation in recognition of his devoted service.
February 8, 1974
Kelly LaBrash was unanimously nominated as a candidate for election to the Dominion Board. Voting will be conducted at the A.G.M., at Lethbridge, Alberta, June 1, 1974. NOTE: Kelly was successful in his bid.
September 13th, 1974
President Doug Hiron announced the intention of the Division to host the Annual General Meeting in 1977. Bill Wales accepted the appointment as Chairman of the Committee to carry out this project.
December 13th, 1974
The Executive For 1975:

Past President
Douglas Hiron
D.C. ‘Cam’ Sprott
Max Giesbrecht
Douglas Hiron
Executive Committee
Ken Maciver, Ty Birkett, Maurice Swainson

175 members.

The membership voted to increase annual dues to $12.00 (from $7.00), commencing in January 1975. The increase became necessary to meet the depletion of funds in the general account.

January 10th, 1975
Dominion Board Member Kelly LaBrash reported that the newly-adopted red blazer and blue trousers, as the Association’s uniform’ are available through Saint-Hill Levine, tailors. He also asked for suggestions for a tie to be worn with this combination.
February 14th, 1975
The seventh biennial dinner ($13.00 each) at the Westbury Hotel, was another success. Guest speaker was Commissioner M. Nadon. Highlight of the evening was the presence of a delegation from Ottawa, led by John ‘JET’ Smaridge.
March 14th, 1975
The membership voted unanimously to accept the kind offer of the C.O. “O” Division, E.R. Lysyk, and the Sgts’ Mess, to use the facilities at Division H.Q., four our regular meetings, Ladies’ Nights and other functions. It was decided to change our meeting from the 2nd to the 3rd Friday of the month since many Force functions are held on the 2nd Friday.
May 9th, 1975
Our first regular meeting was held in the “O” Division H.Q. building. A/Comm’r E.R. Lysyk extended his personal welcome to the facilities at Division H.Q.
May 16th, 1975
Kelly LaBrash had been asked by the Dominion Nominating Committee to stand for election to the position of Dominion Vic-President. At the Annual General Meeting in Calgary, well attended by Toronto Division members – Kelly was elected.
June 20th, 1975
Bill Wales, as General Chairman, and Bill Harrison, as Finance Chairman, outlined their plans for our hosting the Annual General Meting in 1977.
December 12th, 1975
The Executive For 1976:

Past President
D.C. ‘Cam’ Sprott
Max Giesbrecht
Ty Birkett
Douglas Hiron
Executive Committee
Maurice Swainson, Robbie Robertson, Brian Gallagher

166 members.

June 25 – 27th, 1976
The Annual General Meeting in Halifax, Kelly LaBrash was elected to the Office of Dominion President.
September 17th, 1976
Bruce Job, a friend of Vice-President Ty Birkett, presented to S/Sgt. George Windsor, a dispatch pouch which had been the property of the first paymaster of the Force. That individual was Edward Dalrymple Clark, a nephew of Sir John A. MacDonald. S/Sgt. Windsor has undertaken to forward this pouch to the Force Museum in Regina.
November 19th, 1976
Doug Forrest presented a Resolution which was passed by the membership, to be submitted to the next Annual General Meeting, as follows:

“That the said Veterans’ Association petition the Lord Lyon, King of Arms, Her Majesty the Queen’s principal heraldic authority in Edinburgh, Scotland, to assume heraldic jurisdiction over the said Veterans’ Association, and to grant to the said Veterans’ Association formal recognition of its Badge which would be identical with the Badge of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police except that the “belt and buckle surround” would be restored, instead of the oval frame around the buffalo head, and with the addition of the words, ‘Veterans’ Association’ appropriately lettered on a separate ribbon”.

December 17th, 1976
The Executive For 1977:

Past President
Max Giesbrecht
Ty Birkett
George McLeod
Douglas Hiron
Executive Committee
John Dunlop, Jack MacDonald, Maurice Swainson

170 members.

January 21st, 1977
The membership endorsed Max Giesbrecht to stand for election to the Dominion Board at the next Annual General Meeting
March 18th, 1977
Members of the Division who, having attained the age of 75 years, qualify for Life Membership, and to whom certificates were presented, are: Sam Aicken, Dunc Lindsay and Eric Norman-Crosse. Others eligible are Eugene Elfvengren, Jock Geddes, Thomas Greenfield, Ed Harris, Al Leith, Ray Nelson and Hugh Walton. Congratulations to all.
April 15th, 1977
Life Membership Certificates were presented to Al Leith and Ray Nelson.
May 20 – 22nd, 1977
Toronto Division hosted the Annual General Meeting at the Royal York Hotel. Registrations (Members & spouses, etc.) numbered 293, with approximately 279 for the President’s Reception Friday night, and 315 for the Dinner and Ball Saturday night. The overall success of the total affair was a reflection of the hard work put into it by Chairman Bill Wales, Finance Chairman Bill Harrison and President Ty Birkett.

Max Giesbrecht, Toronto Division, was elected to the Dominion Board, to join our own Dominion President Kelly LaBrash.

June 17th, 1977
Our genial, hard-working Secretary-Treasurer, Doug Hiron was forced to tender his resignation due to ill health. Ed Boon stepped into the breach to carry on.
September 16th, 1977
Ed Harris, having attained the grand age of 75 years, was presented with a Life Membership Certificate by President Birkett.
November 18th, 1977
For twelve years George McLeod has operated a monthly draw for the benefit of the Division. During this evening the final draw was conducted, following which George was accorded a hearty vote of thanks for his efforts.

The Membership authorized an expenditure of not more than $1,000.00 for the purchase of a trophy case to be presented to the “O” Division Sgts’ Mess. This gesture is in recognition of financial help and fine co-operation during the A.G.M., hosted by Toronto Division, as well as for use of the Mess for meetings, socials, etc.

December 16th, 1977
The Executive For 1978:

Past President
Ty Birkett
George E. McLeod
John S. Dunlop
Ed Boone
Executive Committee
Jack M. MacDonald, F. Howard Fullerton, Charles C. Head
Reserve Fund Chairman:
Bill Harrison

190 members.

The membership passed a Resolution to amend our Division By-laws with the addition of an Article to deal specifically with our Reserve Fund which was created as a consequence of the A.G.M.

January 1978
Dominion President Kelly LaBrash, Dave E. Irwin and William Wales all Members of Toronto Division, were honored as recipients of the Queen’s Silver Jubilee Medal. Congratulations to all three.
February 17,1978
The membership gave unanimous approval to a recommendation of the Reserve Fund Committee to contribute $1,000 to Winnipeg Division to assist them in hosting the 1978 A.G.M.
March 17th, 1978
The membership authorized a donation of $45.00 toward the purchase of trophies to be awarded in an international volleyball tournament hosted by the R.C.M.P., “O” Division.
May 19th, 1978
Mr. T.O.P. ‘Ted’ Brown, F.C.A. has audited the books of Toronto Division for several years. A Motion by Ty Birkett and Bill Wales to recommend Ted to Dominion Headquarters for an Honorary Life Membership in the Association was passed unanimously.
December 15th, 1978
The Executive For 1979:

Past President
George McLeod
John S. Dunlop
Jack M. MacDonald
Ed Boone
Executive Committee
Charles C. Head, Ron C. McLean, Claire Beckstead
Reserve Fund Chairman:
Bill Harrison

193 members.

The Division presented to the “O” Division Sgts’ Mess, two attractive display cases for trophies, etc.

April 27th, 1979
The eighth biennial dinner ($15.00 each) was held at the Sheraton Centre, in downtown Toronto. Comm’r R. Simmonds was guest speaker.
December 21st, 1979
The Executive For 1980:

Past President
John S. Dunlop
Jack M. MacDonald
Ron C. McLean
Ed Boone
Executive Committee
Charles C. Head, Claire Beckstead, Joseph Vetesi
Reserve Fund Chairman:
William Wales

192 members.

May 4th, 1980
A Church Parade at St. Michael’s Cathedral though not heavily attended, was nevertheless a reasonable success. This was followed by a brunch at the “O” Division Sgts’ Mess.
May 17th, 1980
At the A.G.M. in Vancouver our man Kelly LaBrash moved to the position of immediate Past President
September 19th, 1980
The following Members are now eligible for Life Membership Certificates by virtue of their having reached 75 years: – John S. Cruickshank; James (Jock) Geddes; Wm. A. McArthur; John G. McPhee; John V. Muir; Fred Weaver; T. Jack Woods.
November 21st, 1980
From June 1960, Madeline and Jerry MacLean have organized social events on a twice-yearly basis, as the prime movers within the Entertainment Committee. At this meeting, Jerry tendered his resignation, with the thought that someone else should have the opportunity to perform in this capacity. A warm thankfully appreciative round of applause was accorded the Macleans.

Life Membership Certificates were presented to T. Jack Woods and John S. Cruickshank.

December 19th, 1980
The Executive For 1981:

Past President
Jack M. MacDonald
Ed Boone
Joseph Vetesi
Jack E.L. O’Hara
Secretary-Treasurer Asst.
Doug W. Hiron
Reserve Fund Chairman:
William Wales
Executive Committee
Phil Yakubovich, Len Rozmus, Lou King

192 members.

April 24th, 1981
The ninth Biennial Dinner ($25.00 each) was held at the Westbury Hotel. The Guest Speaker was D/Comm’r W.J. Fitzsimmons (Ret’d) and his presentation was enjoyed by all. A Life Membership Certificate was presented to Wm. A. McArthur by Dominion President Blake McIntosh.
October 17th, 1981
Klondike Gold Fever Night, held in the “O” Division Gym, was a rousing success. A full-capacity crowd thoroughly enjoyed the evening filled with wheels of chance, blackjack tables, gold and silver door prizes, an all-evening buffet, plus the finale – the draw for one ounce of pure gold.
December 18th, 1981
The Executive For 1982:

Past President
Ed Boone
Joseph Vetesi
Phil Yakubovich
Ed Boone
Reserve Fund Chairman:
William Wales
Executive Committee
Lou King, Len Rozmus, Pete Pallister
February 19th, 1982
Division By-law amendments were voted, to split the function of Secretary-Treasurer and to establish positions of Secretary and Treasurer.

Also, minor changes related to elections were affected.

Accordingly, the Executive now includes:

Ed Boon
Doug Hiron
May 14th, 1982
The membership voted to increase annual membership dues to $25.00 – the first increase since 1975 – and approved an immediate assessment of $5.00 as an emergency supplement to offset operating expenses. The increase in dues becomes effective January 1, 1983.
May 15th, 1982
Toronto Division experienced deep sorrow with the death of Doug Hiron. Doug had battled heart problems over the years, and underwent surgery in April. He had served Toronto Division as President, Secretary – Treasurer and Assistant in that capacity and more recently as treasurer.
May 22-23rd, 1982
At the Annual General Meeting in Edmonton, Denis McCulla was elected to the Dominion Executive Board. He, in effect, replaces Max Giesbrecht, also a Toronto Division member, who resigned.
June 18th, 1982
Vice-President Phil Yakubovich has volunteered to do double duty by taking over the function of the office of Treasurer for the balance of the year.
October 16th, 1982
Klondike 11 was another huge success. Much on the order of last year’s event, it proved to be highly enjoyable. Additional features this year were raffle draws for one ounce of gold and one kilo of silver, plus a boutique selling items related to the Association and to the Force.
December 17th, 1983
The Executive For 1983:

Past President
Joseph Vetesi
Phil Yakubovich
Philip Rigelhof
Ed Boone
Willard Jewett
Reserve Fund Chairman:
Max Giesbrecht
Executive Committee
Pete Pallister, Jack O’Hara, Ron McLean

185 members.

January 20th, 1983
By proclamation of Her Majesty’s Lord Lyon King of Arms, the Association’s very own Crest was this date given Royal approval. It may be recalled that Doug Forrest of Toronto Division first put the wheels into motion on November 19, 1976.
April 15th, 1983
The tenth Biennial Dinner was held at “O” Division H.Q. Guest speaker was R.C.M.P., Comm’r R. Simmonds. Attendance was 134, plus invited guests from “O” Division, the O.P.P. and Metro Toronto Police.

Life Membership Certificates were presented to Lewis Elliott, Doug Forrest, Jim Cameron and Fred Weaver.

James J. Waddell and George Carruthers, unable to be present, will be presented with their Certificates at first opportunity.

October 29th, 1983
Toronto Division’s ‘Salute to Past Presidents’ was a huge success. Of the twenty living Past Presidents, seventeen, along with their spouses, were feted. Each was presented with a testimonial shield with a Crest attached, plus a gavel with his name engraved thereon. Toronto member Eric Jensen created the gavels.
November 18th, 1983
The membership passed a Motion whereby an initiation fee of $5.00 will be added to the annual membership dues of $25.00, and to the newly adopted dues of $12.50 for Members inducted after July 1st in each year.
December 16th, 1983
The Executive For 1984:

Past President
Phillip Yakubovich
Phil Rigelhof
Ron C. McLean
Graham Walton
Willard Jewett
Reserve Fund Chairman:
Max Giesbrecht
Executive Committee
Jack O’Hara, Peter Pallister, Greg Albright
April 7th, 1984
150 people attended Hawaiian Night at “O” Division H.Q. Dancing followed a Polynesian dinner, served Luau-style. A drawing was made for a door prize, which was a 25% discount off airfare for two to Hawaii, courtesy of Wardair.
May 29th, 1984
Our First Annual Golf Tourney was held at Derrydale Golf Club, Brampton. The weather did not deter 21 hardy enthusiasts who were rewarded with cessation of the rain by 1:00 p.m. Len Rozmus won the Low Gross and Joe Driscoll, the Low Net Trophies.
June 8-10th, 1984
The 60th Annual General Meting at Fredericton, N.B., was well attended by Toronto Division members. Denis McCulla was elected as Dominion Vice-President. Toronto President Phil Rigelhof put the meeting on notice that Toronto Division intends to host the AGM in 1987.
October 13th, 1984
Klondike 111 attendance, though down from other years, was sufficient to produce a reasonably good profit for the Benevolent Fund and the General Account. Door prizes were drawn each hour for 1-ounce wafers of silver. Two raffles were conducted with the prize in each being an ounce of gold. Also drawn as a door prize were shares in a gold mining company listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange.
December 9th, 1984
The undertaking of the sale of Canada Savings Bonds through Toronto Division resulted in commission earnings of $545.00, which is to be put into our Reserve Fund for the 1987 A.G.M.
December 21, 1984
The Executive For 1985:

Past President
Philip Rigelhof
Ron C. McLean
Jack O’Hara
Graham Walton
Willard Jewett
Reserve Fund Chairman:
Max Giesbrecht
Executive Committee
Keith Trail, Peter Pallister, Greg Albright

215 members.

APRIL 19th. 1985
Our 11th Biennial Dinner was, once again, a highly successful and enjoyable affair. Our Guest Speaker, C.B.C. news personality, Knowlton Nash, held the full attention of the large attendance with highlighted details of his career over several years as a foreign correspondent.
Life Membership Certificates were presented to:

  • Tyson Birkett, Jack Brooks, Tom Colmer
  • J.J. “Pat” Cranney (Charter Member), Bill Metherall

A decision was reached and as a result, a formal bid was presented at the A.G.M., St. John’s, Newfoundland, on June 15, 1985, for Toronto Division to host the Annual General Meeting in 1987. Our bid was successful.

MAY 28th. 1985
Our 2nd Annual Golf Tournament was held at Erin Heights Golf and Country Club, Erin, Ontario. Golfers, 45 in number, enjoyed fine weather and topped it all off with a steak BBQ. Low Gross for Members was taken by repeat winner, Len Rozmus. Sam Young, a guest of Kelly LaBrash, won Visitor’s Low Gross. Thanks went to our many benefactors and to those who had worked so hard, resulting with everyone receiving prizes
SEPTEMBER 21th.1985
“Hawaiian Night” was, once again, a huge success. Tickets for two to Honolulu, donated by Air Canada, were won by past President, John Dunlop.
NOVEMBER 15th. 1985
A successful campaign by Willard Jewett in the sales of Canada Savings Bonds resulted in $652.94 being added to our Reserve Fund to be used for the 1987 A. G.M.
DECEMBER 20th,1985
Following the Regular Meeting, a Wine and Cheese party was enjoyed by members and spouses.
The Executive For 1986:

Past President
Ron C. McLean
Jack O’Hara
Willard Jewett
Graham Walton
Keith Trail
Reserve Fund Chairman:
Max Giesbrecht
Executive Committee
Doug Graham, Peter Pallister, Greg Albright

271 members.

JANUARY 17th, 1986
Jack Appleton and Hal Brooks became Executive Committee Members for 1986.
JANUARY 25th. 1986
A “Special Patrol” headed by President Jack O’Hara with Messrs. Doug Campone, Jack Appleton and Willard Jewett, traveled to Burk’s Falls, about 150 miles north of Toronto. The achieved object was to induct Reg. No. 9359, ex-Sgt.. Ronald L. Trolove, as a Life Member. The visit with Ron, his wife, Ina and their daughter, Liz, plus viewing their tremendous property, was a rewarding experience.
MAY 27th. 1986
Our 3rd Annual Golf Tournament saw70 golfers enjoying another fine day. Len Rozmus won Low Gross, as usual, and Doug Scattergood took Low Net honors.
SEPTEMBER 20th. 1986
Attendance at Klondike IV was down slightly from # III, but a good profit was realized, nevertheless. Hourly door prizes included: 4, 1-oz. silver pieces; 60 shares of Dome Mines; an Air Canada ticket to Florida and 2, 1-oz. gold pieces.
DECEMBER 14th.1986
Our Wine and Cheese Party, co-hosted with the Sr. N. C. 0 .’s Mess, was attended by 150-plus.
DECEMBER 18. 1986
The Executive For 1987:

Past President
Jack O’’Hara
Willard Jewett
Graham Walton
Hal Brooks
Keith Trail
Reserve Fund Chairman:
Max Giesbrecht
Executive Committee
Doug Graham, Jack Appleton, Greg Albright

292 members.

MARCH 20th, 1987
Earlier in the year, Member Norm Payne was responsible for a distribution of gratis produce from Holland Marsh to the Scott Mission and the Good Shepherd Refuge. The gratitude of those two agencies was expressed in letters received.

Kelly LaBrash, Chairman for A.G.M. ’87, reported 312 registrations had been received.

Max Giesbrecht reported donations from the Province of Ontario, Metro Toronto and other sources.

APRIL 24th. 1987
Minor amendments to Division By-laws were adopted by the Membership and subsequent approval was given by Dominion H.Q.
MAY 25th. 1987
Sixty participants enjoyed a great day of golfing at Erin Heights Golf & Country Club. The $30.00 fee covered golfing, prizes for all, a steak BBQ with trimmings, gratuity and the opportunity for some rare, quality visiting. John Zeni (R.C.M.P. Airport Detachment) won Low Gross and Will Jewett was the Low Net designee.
JUNE 5. 6 & 7th. 1987
A.G.M. #63, hosted by Toronto Division was most successful. Chairman Kelly LaBrash with the assistance of Lloyd Young as Secretary and a working Committee of many, many hands, were justifiably pleased with the finished product. There were slightly more than 500 registrations, and for $50.00 Registration fee per person, each received in the vicinity of $150.00 in direct benefit – Friday President’s Reception at “O” Division H. Q.; Saturday Luncheon for all Delegates and ditto at the top of the C.N. Tower for spouses; Dinner and Dance at the Royal York Hotel; and Sunday, choice of a Toronto Harbour Cruise or a Major League game between the Blue Jays and the Baltimore Orioles, and for those not wishing either, a Royal York brunch. Saturday Dinner was honoured by the presence of Ontario’s Lieutenant Governor, Lincoln Alexander, plus others representing RCMP, OPP, Metro T.P.F. and Federal, Provincial, and Metro governments.
OCTOBER 6th. 1987
A dedication Ceremony, presided over by A/Comm’r R.M. Culligan, took place at “O” Division H.Q. A plaque honoring Members of “O” Division who died in service, was unveiled. Toronto Division presented a silk flower planter to enhance the plaque, as a token of appreciation for the many ways in which we have been assisted; such as during the A.G.M., and otherwise. Monsignor Kenneth Robitaille, St. Michael’s Roman Catholic Cathedral, officiated at the ceremony, and President Jewett and other members of our Division attended.
DECEMBER 6th. 1987
The annual Wine & Cheese Party, co-hosted by the Sr. N.C.O.’s Mess and our Division, was held. Due to facility limitations, no guests were invited.
DECEMBER 18th. 1987
The Executive For 1988:

Past President
Willard Jewett
Graham Walton
Keith Trail
Hal Brooks
Vince Aquilina
Reserve Fund Chairman:
Max Giesbrecht
Executive Committee
Doug Graham, Jack Appleton, Jack McDougall, Tom Welsh

310 members.

JANUARY 15th. 1988
In spite of nasty weather, 40 members turned out for our meeting. Appointed as Life Members were:

  • W. J. Fitzsimmons, Jack Payzant, Harold Widdis
  • Stu Duncan Don, K. Chapman, Len Shick

A decision was made to donate $1,000. to Winnipeg Division, which was hosting the 1988 A.G.M. This followed a procedure whereby a Division who had realized a profit from having hosted an A.G.M. (which we did in 1987) makes a contribution to the Host Division the following year.

MARCH 18th. 1988
A noteworthy occasion within the Association’s history! Shirley Brehaut (wife of Member Blair), and their daughter, Brenda Campone (wife of Member Doug), were inducted as Toronto Division Members. This, we believe to be the first ever “Mother / Father / Daughter / Son-in-Law”combination within one Division. We proudly add this to what we believe to have been another first – a “Husband / Wife” member team in the persons of Andre and Helen Cote, who were inducted September 15,1978 and February 15,1980, respectively.
APRIL 30th. 1988
Our 12th Biennial Dinner ($35.00) held in the “O” Division Mess, was attended by well over 100 persons. Guest Speaker R.C.M.P. Commissioner Norman D. Inkster presented a highly enlightening view of the operations of the Force today. His managerial approach reflects the changing times – within the Force and outside.

Dominion President Denis McCulla presented Life Certificates to:

  • John Hathaway, Len Schick, Bill Wales
  • George Howard, Norman Smith
MAY 19th. 1988
Our Golf Day at Erin Heights, despite rain and more rain, saw 39 hardy participants enjoy themselves. Reported results seem to be unusual! Graham Walton took home Low Gross and Low Net trophies!! John Zeni (Airport Det.) captured Low Score – a repeat winner.
NOVEMBER 18th. 1988
The Membership approved a donation of $1,000. to Prince Edward Island Division by way of assistance in hosting the 1989A G. M., #65.

A representative of the accounting firm of Coopers/Lybrand presented an interesting and informative discourse on the recent changes to the Income Tax Act which become operative on the 1988 returns. It appeared that middle income earners would really be hit!!

DECEMBER 4th. 1988
Once again we co-hosted the Wine & Cheese Party with members of the Sr. N.C.O.’s Mess and once again, those in attendance enjoyed the great varieties of cheese and the fine wine selection.
DECEMBER 16th. 1988
The Executive For 1989:

Past President
Graham Walton
Keith Trail
Harold Brooks
Jack Wylie
Vince Aquilina
Reserve Fund Chairman:
Max Giesbrecht
Executive Committee
Doug Graham, Dave Morrison, Jack McDougall

306 members.

JANUARY 20th. 1989
Announcements of interest:

  • New I.D. Cards were available from Dominion H.Q.
  • Per Capita Dues payable for 1988, as at December 31 st, were $1,636. Unpaid Dues amounted to $2,200.
  • Gideons International has instituted a program to distribute “RCMP Testaments” to Recruits, Serving Members and Retirees, at no cost.
FEBRUARY 17th. 1989
It has been announced that Retirees may be granted permission to wear Force uniform, subject to approval, on State and Official occasions.
MARCH 17th. 1989
Keith Trail and Willard Jewett are nominated to stand for election to the Dominion Executive at the 1989A.G.M.
APRIL 21st. 1989
A donation of $40.00 was made to the R.C.M. P. Social Club toward the purchase of two trophies to be presented to the Most Valuable Female and Male Players from the Annual International Police Volleyball Tournament, May 5,6 & 7,1989.
JUNE 3rd. 1989
Prince Edward Island Division members, though few in numbers, most certainly did a commendable job in hosting the AG. M. at Charlottetown.
During the business session, Messrs. Trail and Jewett withdrew their names as candidates for election. Members of the Dominion Executive, who had stated an intention to resign, changed their minds.
SEPTEMBER 15th. 1989
S/M Kurt Spitznagel, Zurich, Switzerland Police Department was a guest at our regular meeting. He was visiting Canada to examine drug enforcement procedures.
OCTOBER 20.1989
A decision was made to change our regular meetings to the 3rd Thursday of each month, on a trial basis for six months (January thru June, 1990). It was generally agreed that this would be preferable to Friday meetings, since it would allow for Friday get-aways to cottages or whatever.
DECEMBER 3rd. 1989
Members attending the annual Wine & Cheese Party would be permitted to bring one guest couple. As usual, no charge was made for those attending.
DECEMBER 15th, 1989
The Executive For 1990:

Past President
Keith Trail
Harold (Hal) Brooks
Doug Graham
Jack Wylie
Vince Aquilina
Reserve Fund Chairman:
Willard Jewett
Executive Committee
Stu Jarvis, Ken Sider, Jack McDougall

314 members.

FEBRUARY 15th. 1990
Keith Trail and Willard Jewett were again nominated to stand for election to the Dominion Executive.

Regina Division, host for A. G.M. ’90 (#66) announced that the maximum number of registrants (1100) they were able to accommodate, had been reached.

APRIL 28th.1990
Our 13th Biennial Dinner ($35.00) was a great success. The Honourable Eric H. Nielsen, Chair man of the National Transportation Agency, was guest speaker. Life Membership Certificates were presented to:

  • Howard Ade, R.T. “Tommy” Ewing, John Janicki
JULY 5·9th, 1990
A.G.M. #66, hosted by Regina Division was a resounding success. The Force, and particularly the R.C.M.P. Training Academy recruits and staff, together with “F” Division personnel and the Musical Ride, were tremendous contributors to the enjoyment of the 1100 people attending. Present among the huge gathering were ex-Members of No.1 Provost Company attending the 50th Anniversary of that select group. Four downtown hotels were needed to accommodate those attending. Dozens of Toronto Division members and spouses enjoyed a wonderful four-day get together.

Keith Trail and Willard Jewett were elected to the Dominion Executive. They will chair the Constitution Committee and the Pensions Committee, respectively.

DECEMBER 9th. 1990
The annual co-hosted Wine and Cheese Party was attended by 200-plus, all of whom enjoyed the occasion.
DECEMBER 20th. 1990
A revision in the dues structure was announced: $25.00, if paid before December 31 st in the year before which the dues are payable, OR $30.00, if paid later.
The Executive For 1990:

Past President
Harold Brooks
Doug Graham
Arnold (Arnie) Crittenden
Janet Wiszowaty
Stu Jarvis
Reserve Fund Chairman:
Willard Jewett
Executive Committee
Greg Albright, Ken Sider, Phil Grossmith

331 members.

JANUARY 17th. 1991
A/Comm’r R.M. Culligan, C. O. “0” Division, outlined some forthcoming changes, which will change the whole structure of “0” Division. Included will be moving Division H.Q. to some other location outside of Toronto.

A committee to liaise with the C. 0., on the relocation process and its effect on our meetings sometime in the future, was formed. Members were Kelly LaBrash, Ron McLean and Phil Yakubovich.

APRIL 20th, 1991
Klondike V, slightly different from previous years in its setting, was a reflection of the organizing ability of entertainment chairman, Phil Grossmith. The Ramada Don Valley Inn donated its Zodiac Room. No less than 30 corporate donors provided prizes galore. The Hospital for Sick Children Foundation was given a cheque for $5,397
MAY 16th, 1991
The availability of assistance for former R.C.M.P. members and their dependants was discussed. The R.C.M.P. Benefit Trust Fund is administered by the Association. Howard Ade volunteered his services as Division Benefits Officer, to investigate and report upon situations coming to our attention.
JUNE 20th,1991
President Doug Graham, in reporting upon proceedings at the 1991 A. G.M. in Halifax; announced that per capita dues, payable to Dominion H.Q., will, as of 1992, be increased from $6.00 to $8.00 per active member. This measure was approved by the vote of members in light of future foreseeable operational expenses, such as postage, travel and delegate costs and Secretariat office staff.
SEPTEMBER 19th, 1991
A Notice of Motion to increase our annual dues from $25.00 to $30.00 was presented to the membership. The increase of $2.00 in per capita dues, plus anticipated increases in operating costs, similar to those of H. Q., were factors considered.
SEPTEMBER 26th, 1991
Some 40 golfers braved wind and raindrops in our Annual Golf Tournament at Erin Heights Golf & Country Club. The usual great steak and trimmings BBQ topped off the proceedings. Best golfer of the day was Graham Walton (gimpy knee and al/!!).
OCTOBER 17th, 1991
The motion to increase dues was defeated by a vote of the membership, following extensive discussion. One of the arguments presented seemed to be that no disclosure is made in financial reports as to where our money is spent.
DECEMBER 19th. 1991
The Executive For 1992:

Past President
Doug Graham
Arnold Crittenden
Jack Appleton
Janet Wiszowaty
Stu Jarvis
Reserve Fund Chairman:
Willard Jewett
Executive Committee
Greg Albright, Ken Sider, Phil Grossmith

331 members.

JANUARY 16th. 1992
The resignation of Willard Jewett as Chairman of the Reserve Fund Committee was accepted.
APRIL 16th. 1992
The Treasurer made it known that dues arrears were in the area of $5,000. Some members were as much as two and three years delinquent in paying their dues.
MAY 2nd. 1992
Our 14th Biennial Dinner ($35.00) was another success. Veteran police beat reporter “Jocko” Thomas recounted experience over several years in his contact with “Police Headquarr-rrters”. Attendance was near the 100 mark.

Life memberships were presented to:

  • James K Cooper, E.S.B. “Tiny” Covell, Walter R. Lee, Jerry I. Maclean
JUNE 12-14th. 1992
A large delegation of Toronto Members (39!) attended AG.M. #68 at Montreal. 1992 marks Montreal’s 350th Birthday, and Canada’s 125th, plus our Association’s 106 years. The Force was represented variously by the Band, the Musical Ride, a precision drill team, plus musical entertainment and dance music during and after the dinner.

Two significant measures adopted at Saturday’s meeting were:

  1. An increase in per capita dues from $8.00 to $10.00 per year.
  2. Divisions will no longer be subsidized in the area of hotel and meal expenses for their delegates.

Keith Trail became Senior Vice-President of the Association.

JUNE 18th. 1992
A motion made at this meeting, passed by a vote of the members; effected a dues increase as of January 1993. If paid before December 31 st in the year preceding, the year payable, $30.00; when paid after January 1 st of the year payable, $35.00. This represented the first dues revision since 1983.
DECEMBER 17th, 1992
The Executive For 1992:

Past President
Arnold Crittenden
Jack Appleton
Stu Jarvis

Ralph Culligan
H. “Mac” Balkam
Chair, Sick Committee
Greg Albright
Chair, Entertainment
Al Jay
Chair, Boutique
Phil Grossmith
Chair, Financial Committee
Stu Jarvis
Chair, Building Committee
Kelly LaBrash
Benefits Officer
Doug Graham
Newsletter Editor
Don Arndt

339 members.

JANUARY 21st, 1993
A revised draft of Proposed By-laws received considerable discussion in the areas of Quorum and Benevolent Fund Account. No change was made to the former. The Benevolent Fund Account will be intermingled with the General Account.
MARCH 18th,1993
The move of “0” Division H. Q., to London, Ontario has resulted in delays for membership applications to be cleared. Conditional acceptance, subject to customary record checks on applicants not known personally, will be granted.
MAY 21-23rd. 1993
A.G.M. #69 at Edmonton, Alta., was attended by 15 registered delegates from Toronto Division as part of the 287 attendees. Toronto Division Resolution (#8 on the Agenda) was passed overwhelmingly. This mandated the Dominion Executive to seek from the Human Rights Commission, a just determination relative to certain identified provisions in the R. C.M.P. Pension Continuation Act, 1959, and the R.C.M.P. Superannuation Act, 1959, viewed as discriminatory, inequitable, and violations of rights.
JUNE 18 & 19th. 1993
Through the kind co-operation of A/Commr. Armstrong, C.O. “0” Division, London and Toronto Divisions met jointly at London. On June 18th, 42 golfers enjoyed one of London’s finest courses. This was followed by a buffet dinner in the Division Mess where we were joined by the C. 0., and a number of H.Q. staff. The evening was concluded socially in the Division combined Messes.

On the 19th (Saturday), we held a very brief, informal meeting and were then conducted on a tour of H.Q., by A/Commr. Armstrong and his Administration Officer. To many, the beauty of H.Q., was truly astounding.

SEPTEMBER 23rd. 1993
Again, our Annual Golf Day ($35.00 golf & dinner) was a real success. In spite of wind and the threat of rain, 69 golfers took part. For much of the afternoon the skies nearly (! !) cleared, and there were times when the day was beautiful.
The winners:

Low Gross
Doran Pettijohn
Low Net
Bill Matheson
Hank Tadeson
[tied-but lost out by”Retrogression1
(highest swings the last hole)
Longest Drive
Closest to Pin
Jim Tadeson
OCTOBER 21st. 1993
By resolution, the following became eligible for Life Membership as of January 1, 1993:

  • Eric W. Anderson
  • Ernest N. Cubitt
  • D. Campbell Sprott
  • Robert D. Atkinson
  • Charles C. Head
  • Harold A. Waldon
  • Wesley A. Carson
  • Kenneth J. Maclvor
DECEMBER 5th, 1993
The Annual Wine & Cheese party, held jointly with the Senior N. C. O. ‘s Mess was thoroughly enjoyable.

DECEMBER 17th, 1993
The Executive For 1994:

Past President
Jack Appleton
Stu Jarvis
Ralph Culligan

Bill McHugh
H. “Mac” Balkam
Newsletter / Sick Committee
Greg Albright, Jack O’Reilly
Entertainment Committee
Ed Keough, Al Jay, Doug Ford
Boutique Committee
Phil Grossmith
Financial Committee
Stu Jarvis
Building Committee
Phil Yakubovich, Kelly LaBrash
Benefits Officer
Doug Graham
Ralph Culligan

325 members.

APRIL 21st, 1994
The Building Committee report, followed by a discussion, resulted in a motion, carried, to move our regular meetings to the 7th Toronto Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery Sergeants’ Mess, Moss Park Armoury, Toronto; beginning with the September meeting.
George Spark’s application for associate membership was approved.
MAY 13th, 1994
Our 15th Biennial Dinner ($40.00) was held in the Jarvis Street Mess, with approximately 85 attendees. Dominion President Guy Baril presented Life Certificates to:

  • Charles Head, Ken Maclvor, D. Cam Sprott

Eligible, but not in attendance were:

  • E. W. Anderson, W.A. Carson, H.Waldon,
  • R. D. Atkinson, E. N. Cubitt

Metro Police Chief William MacCormack delivered a very interesting talk which was well received. He was inducted as an Honorary Member of the Association.

JUNE 3-5th. 1994
Annual General Meeting #70 was hosted by New Brunswick Division at St. John. 19 members from Toronto attended. Of particular significance to us was the election of Keith Trail, Senior Vice President, as President of the Association, and Ralph Culligan to be a Director. Ralph’s portfolios are reported to be in the areas of Constitution and Finance.

Toronto Division initiated a resolution at the 1993 A. G.M., relative to the R.C.M.P. Pension Continuation Act and the R.C.M.P. Superannuation Act. No decisive action was taken. A letter was directed to the Human Rights Commission in May 1994. Our resolution mandated a formal presentation to the Commission.

JUNE 16. 1994
By kind co-operation of the C. 0., Milton, Ont., Detachment, our meeting was held there; attended by 35 members. It was preceded by a tour of the Detachment quarters, and was followed by a lunch. Dominion President Keith Trail formally installed Ralph Culligan as a Director on the Dominion Executive. Toronto President Stu Jarvis presented an excellent report on A.G.M. #70 at St. John,N.B.
Streetsville Glen Golf Club was the site of this year’s Golf Day. ($30.00 for golf, T -bone steak dinner, salad, dessert & coffee)
Low Gross winner was Mike MacCormack, and Doug Graham took Low Net at 66. Although the day was somewhat windy, the scenic 18-hole course more than overcame nature’s opposition. After the meal, prizes were available for nearly every golfer.
SEPTEMBER 15th. 1994
Since May 9, 1975 regular meetings and social functions have been held at “0” Division H. Q., 225 Jarvis Street, Toronto. With H.Q.’s mo veto London, and the total readjustment of operations, this premise became impractical. Consequently, our regular meetings will be moved to the Sgts’ Mess, 7th Toronto Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery, Moss Park Armoury, Toronto. We had previously used this facility from Sept. 8,1967.
Commissioner N. D. Inkster (retired) has been appointed by the Dominion Executive as an Honorary Life Member. Since he is employed and resides in Toronto Division, he will be carried on our Nominal Roll.

Werner Maslowski, “0” Division Barber since 1973, now retired, was accepted as an Associate Member.
OCTOBER 20th. 1994
Moss Park Armoury was the location of this meeting. Vice-President Ralph Culligan presented a review of our finances for 1991, 1992 and 1993, and a revenue projection for 1995. Members approved a revision in the budget for 1995 to adjust for a dues increase. This was tabled for our November meeting.
Boutique Chairman Phil Grossmith reported sales for the year to be in excess of $12,000.
DECEMBER 4th. 1994
Our Annual Wine &Cheese party, co-hosted with the Senior N. C.O. ‘s Mess was, once again a huge success. Attendance was in the vicinity of 150 members and guests.
DECEMBER 15th, 1994
A motion was passed to increase membership dues for 1995 to $40.00 annually; $45.00 if paid after January 1,1994.

The Executive For 1995:

Past President
Jack Appleton
Stu Jarvis
Ralph Culligan

Bill McHugh
Keith Michaud
Enzo Santori
Sick Committee
Greg Albright, Jack O’Reilly
Entertainment Committee
Ed Keough, Werner Maslowski
Boutique Committee
Phil Grossmith
Finance Committee
Ralph Culligan, Phil Yakubovich, Tom Bell
Building Committee
Phil Yakubovich, Kelly LaBrash, Ron McLean
Benefits Officer
Doug Graham
Ralph Culligan

296 members.

JANUARY 1st. 1995
The following members, in good standing, will observe their 75th birthday in 1995 and accordingly will, by resolution passed, be appointed Life Members as of this date:

  • Clarence Bell, Robert Ford, John Kearns, Robert Bell
  • Gilbert Gove, Arthur Lord, Nelson Craig, Stanley Hamilton,
  • Lloyd McCulloch, Dr. Alvin Evans, Charles Holman, Alex Mowat, Willard Jewett, Harold Pounder
JANUARY 19th. 1995
The Membership passed a motion to present, once again, our resolution from the 1993A G.M., directing the Dominion Executive to refer identified inequities in the R.C.M.P. Pension Continuation Act and the Superannuation Act to the Canada Human Rights Commission.
Membership approved a motion to return to 225 Jarvis Street for our regular meetings commencing in February. The facilities at Moss Park Armoury are not readily accessible for some members.
FEBRUARY 16th. 1995
This meeting saw the return to 225 Jarvis Street where most members felt more at home.
APRIL 20th. 1995
An advisory group of Past Presidents -Ron McLean, Chair; Bill Wales, Lloyd Steward, Kelly LaBrash and Phil Yakubovich -has been set up to consider changes designed to increase attendance.
MAY 18th. 1995
Ron McLean, Chair, Past Presidents Advisory Group, identified three issues to be addressed meeting format, social functions and location –and presented suggestions for consideration.
MAY 26-28th. 1995
A.G.M. #71 , hosted by the Yukon Division (approximately 20 members) was held in Whitehorse, Y.T. Toronto Division was represented by 17 members and 13 spouses, friends, etc. Attendance exceeded 500, and there was unanimous agreement this was a super organizational job. Meetings and the formal Dinner/Dance were held in the Mt. McKinley Recreational Complex -in itself a beautiful, functional structure. An optional feature was a post tour to Skagway, Alaska, aboard the Yukon & White Pass Railway, plus a BBQ dinner at Carcross, Y.T.
Toronto’s resolution was passed again, mandating the Dominion Executive to present to the Canadian Human Rights Commission a list of sections of the R. C. M. P. Pension Continuation Act and the Superannuation Act deemed to be antiquated and inequitable.
Our Ralph Culligan, who chaired the Dominion Constitutional and Finance Committees was elected as Dominion Treasurer.
JUNE 10th. 1995
A steak BBQ and Dance was held at 225 Jarvis Street and from all reports it was a highly enjoyable
JUNE 28th. 1995
Through the efforts of Jack O’Hara and Tom Bennett, Peterborough residents, an enjoyable Golf Day
and Dinner was held at the Pine Crest Golf Club ($50.00 per person). The 24 participants have reported a highly enjoyable time.
SEPTEMBER 7th. 1995
Our Annual Golf Day at Streetsville Glen saw 39 golfers brave high winds and heavy rain to prove their loyalty to the game. (golf & dinner $65.00, dinner only $30.00) Force member John Zeni won Low Gross and Max Giesbrecht won Low Net. The BBQ steak dinner and dessert was followed by the handing out of prizes to all participants.
SEPTEMBER 21st. 1995
On June 21, 1995, Ralph Culligan, representing the Veterans’ Association, became a Director on the Board of the Mounted Police Foundation. A further announcement identifies him as Chair of the Licensing Committee of the Foundation. Revenues to the Foundation in the form of fees or royalties will be available to assist the R.C.M.P. in its community-policing initiative. The Foundation has engaged the services of The Walt Disney Company (Canada) Ltd., Etobicoke, Ontario to receive, evaluate, and recommend license applications for the sale of Force-related merchandise.
Ralph informed the meeting that the Foundation anticipates our Association will become fully involved in sales at all locations where the Musical Ride performs. Plans have been set for Toronto Division Members to run a ‘test’ operation in conjunction with the Royal Winter Fair.
Force members who retired prior to June 30, 1988, may now apply through the Veterans’ Association for an ID Card issued by the R.C.M.P., Ottawa.
NOVEMBER 16th, 1995
Sales at the Royal Winter Fair amounted to $11,275. This was achieved during eleven days, from November 7th, and required two shifts of two Members per shift each day. Organizational and supervisory duties were ably performed by Ralph Culligan, Phil Grossmith and Kelly LaBrash. The results speak for themselves.
Attendance at the Wine & Cheese Party, estimated at near 220, was up slightly from last year. There was a noticeable increase in the number of serving members present. This gathering will well be remembered for the excellent menu of wines, cheeses and extras, such as crackers, spreads, garnishes, etc. Nostalgia was on the minds of those who had experienced enjoyable functions over the years at 225 Jarvis Street, having regard to the distinct possibility this may well be the last Wine & Cheese Party here.
DECEMBER 21.1995
The Executive For 1996:

Past President
Stu Jarvis
Greg Albright
Ed Keough

Fran Aronovitch Starr
Keith Michaud
Enzo Santori
Sick Committee
Jack O’Reilly
Ty Watts, Werner Maslowski
Boutique Committee
Phil Grossmith
Finance Committee
Ralph Culligan, Ed Keough, Keith Michaud
Building Committee
Ron McLean
Benefits Officer
Doug Graham
Ed Keough (Chair)

218 members in good standing.
NOTE: In the normal course of events, last year’s Vice-President assumes the office of President, and would have been Ralph Culligan. Ralph, as Dominion Treasurer and a Director and Chairman of the Licensing Committee for the Mounted Police Foundation, felt he could not do justice to the responsibilities attendant upon the Division President and therefore withdrew his name there from.