January 21, 2015
Toronto Division – R.C.M.P. Veterans’ Association
January 21, 2015
Toronto Division – R.C.M.P. Veterans’ Association
- General
- Recognition Pins (Longevity & Service)
- Annual Division Report
- Reserved
- Elections
- Division Executive
- Membership Fees
- Meetings
- Reserved
- Divisional Accounts
- Banking Detail
- Disbursements Policy
- Annual Audits
- Annual Budgets
- Division Register
- Duties and Responsibilities of Executive.
- Social Committee
- Sick Committee
- Benefits Officer
- Newsletter Editor
- Division Advocate
- Canteen Manager
- Widows Committee
- Graves Inspection Program
- Historical Research Program
- Information Technology Director
- Division Bursary Program
- 28. Amending Procedures
APPENDIX 1 – Bursary Program Policies
APPENDIX 2 – Sick Committee Policies
APPENDIX 3 – Grave Site Inspections
APPENDIX 4 – Historical Research
APPENDIX 5 – Information Technology Committee Responsibilities
R.C.M.P. Veterans’ Association Toronto Division Manual
Divisional Procedures
The Division shall be known as Royal Canadian Mounted Police Veterans’ Association, Toronto Division and will be located in or near the City of Toronto, Ontario.
- All applications for membership shall be processed through the Chair, Credentials Committee to ensure that the Membership Eligibility Criteria as outlined in Part II, R.C.M.P.V.A. By-Laws are met for the class and category of membership.
- If a Membership Application (Applicant) is deemed to meet the requirements for Membership as assessed by the Division Credentials Committee, such applicant shall be accepted into the Association.
- Should there arise doubt or uncertainty in the Application documentation, after due diligence by the Credentials Committee, the application shall be processed in accordance with Association Manual – Procedures and Guidelines: Membership General, paras 2 – 5.
- Spouses or partners of Active Members in good standing or Life Members, and widows or widowers of deceased Active Members in good standing or deceased Life Members are, non–voting Associate Members of the division.
- Associate Members who wish to pay the annual Division membership dues, but not the Per Capita Assessment, may be elected or appointed to the Division Executive and may vote on any matters within the Division. (Association Manual Part II.8&9)
- Members who had been awarded a Life Membership Award prior to June, 2014 shall retain said status. New Life Membership awards are to be made in accordance with Association Manual, PART II.
- Effective 1 January 2009, Members in good standing on beginning their 10th year of eligible membership in the division shall be awarded a Membership Recognition Pin and 10-year service bar and thereafter shall be awarded additional service bars at five-year intervals, i.e. a 15-year bar, a 20-year bar, etc.
- Effective 1 January 2009, shall upon being elected or appointed to the office be awarded a Service Recognition Pin and service bar that depicts the office that member holds.
- Members holding the office of President shall upon relinquishing that office, be awarded a service bar that depicts the office of Past President.
- The Membership Recognition Pin and the Service Recognition Pin will be identical in design and format.
- In those cases where a member has already been awarded a Membership Recognition Pin or a Service Recognition Pin, only the applicable membership or service bar will be awarded.
- Pins and Bars will be obtained from such suppliers as may be selected by divisional officials appointed to manage this program.
- All costs of the Membership Recognition and Service Recognition program are payable by the Division.
- Toronto Division shall prepare an Annual Report by January 31st annually covering the Division’s activities for the previous year and submit it at the Division Annual General meeting with copies to National Headquarters.
- A nominating Committee as appointed by the President shall propose nominees for the Executive at the November General Meeting. Before tabling its recommendations, the Committee shall determine each nominee’s willingness to stand for office and, if elected, serve.
- At the December general meeting after the Nominating Committee makes its recommendations, the President shall invite nominations from the floor. If there are no nominations from the floor, the President will declare the various nominees elected by acclamation. If there are nominations from the floor, an election by way of a show of hands or by written ballot, at the President’s discretion, will occur for each office requiring an election. A simple majority will determine the outcome.
- In an effort to engender good will at the festive season; salute the outgoing executive and to congratulate the newly-elected executive, as per Division tradition, a (the) senior member in attendance at the December General meeting shall move that a “free bar” be granted to all in attendance at the Division expense with a majority vote required.
- The Division Executive shall consist of the President as Chair, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, appointed Directors and such other persons as may be from time to time decided upon by the General Membership. The Division Executive will hold office for the year following its installation at the December general meeting.
- All Division documents, in particular the Division Register, shall be handed over to the new Division Executive on the latter taking office.
- The Secretary and Treasurer shall provide all documents and assistance, annually, required by the auditor.
- The Treasurer shall remit the national dues assessment covering active members to National Headquarters as required.
- The Executive shall generally supervise the Division and meet when called by the President, with five members thereof constituting a quorum.
- The fiscal year shall end December 31st.
- All official communications to National Headquarters, another Division, or to external recipients shall be over the signature of a relevant official of the Executive.
- No Division member shall act on his or her own pertaining to Divisional matters without Executive authority.
- The Annual Membership Fee is due and payable, on or before January 1st each year by Active Members to the Treasurer of the Division. The Annual Membership fee is comprised of the National Association dues amount and a Division Contribution or Fee. The Chair of the Membership Committee or other appointed official will issue receipts for all payments received.
- The annual membership fee will be paid by all persons accepted as active members of Toronto Division. At the discretion of the Membership Committee the Division portion of the annual membership fee may be reduced, or waived, for those applying after June 30th each year.
- Changes to annual membership fee rates shall be proposed by way of written Notice of Motion tabled at a General Meeting and be discussed and voted on at a subsequent meeting. A two-thirds majority of members in attendance at the meeting is required for approval.
- General meetings will be held monthly, normally on the third Wednesday at 8:00 p.m., except for July and August. The Executive may alter meeting times and locations as circumstances dictate with advance notice to the membership.
- A quorum for an Executive Meeting of the Division shall be not less than five (5) members of the Executive.
- The regular General meeting convened in February shall be deemed to be the Division’s Annual General Meeting respecting the fiscal year ending the previous December 31st. Annual written Committee reports shall be submitted to this meeting for inclusion in the Division Register.
- The proceedings of all meetings of the Division shall be recorded by the Secretary, or substitute, as Minutes in accordance with R.C.M.P.V.A. By-Laws, Part VIII, para. 25.
- Part VIII, Orders of Dress of the Association Manual is the national policy regarding orders of dress of the Association. It is intended to provide clarity while encouraging both uniformity and inclusiveness. It further provides Divisional-level discretion in specifying orders of dress commensurate with local circumstances. For Toronto Division monthly meetings and other Division functions as circumstances dictate, members may wear red / blue blazers.
- Three accounts will be held by the division: a General or Operating account; a Reserve account, and a Special Projects account. All accounts shall be under the management of the Treasurer.
- The General or Operating account will be composed of cash and, at the discretion of the treasurer, GICs. It will be the division’s chequing account used for payment of the division’s routine expenses.
- The Reserve Account shall not exceed $6,000 and its monies will be held in GICs. Reserve Account expenditures must be approved by the General membership on the recommendation of the Executive Committee. Approved outlays will occur by way of internal transfer to the General Account for disbursement per section 12.3
- The Reserve Account is intended to be a pool of assets available to meet emergent or unexpected circumstances. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, reserve monies will be expended only on material capital or equipment acquisitions, one-time notable outlays, or for seizing extraordinary opportunity deemed beneficial to the division. Its funds are not to be used for routine, ordinary, or recurring operating costs of the division.
- The Special Projects Account is to be used in the manner directed by the General membership on the recommendation of the Executive. This account may be held in cash (Savings Account) or G.I.C.’s or a combination thereof. Approved outlays will occur by way of internal transfer to the General account.
- Division banking shall be conducted with a recognized bank or trust company as approved by the Executive.
- All disbursements except those from petty cash shall be by cheque. Disbursements by cheque will be drawn on the General account.
- All cheques shall be signed by two authorized officials.
- All disbursements shall be supported by suppliers’ invoices or when this is not feasible by internal requisition and in the case of petty cash by receipt.
- Prior to the National Annual General Meeting or other special occasion, the General membership by way of majority vote at a regular meeting may approve allowable expenses of the Divisional delegate named to attend that meeting.
- No Division property shall be acquired or disposed of except upon recommendation of the Executive as approved by a simple-majority vote of the General membership at a regular meeting.
- An independent review of divisional financial records shall be conducted annually the results of which shall be tabled with the Executive for review before presentation to the General membership.
- The treasurer shall prepare an annual Budget Plan for the upcoming fiscal year that will be tabled for General Membership study and approval at the Division November General Meeting.
- A Division Register shall be established and maintained by Toronto Division.
- The Division Register is to contain: the Division’s Charter as issued by National Headquarters; the Division’s duly-approved Procedures; Minutes of the Division’s
Annual Meetings; Reviewed Divisional Financial Statements; and details of the Division’s Real Property, if any, that is valued in excess of $1,000. Additional material at the discretion of the Executive may be included in the Register.
- The Division Register shall be held by the Division Secretary unless an alternate person is appointed by the Executive to hold it and shall be passed on to any newly-appointed Secretary or alternate appointee.
- The Division Executive shall consist of the Elected Executive and appointed Committee Directors.
- The President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer are to be elected by the members at the December General Meeting. Then Directors of the Committees are to be appointed by the elected executive.
- Committee Directors are to prepare a brief annual report of activities of their Committee for the past year by mid-January, for inclusion in the Division Corporate Report to be sent to the National Office. The reports will be presented to the members of Toronto Division at the February General Meeting.
- Chair over all Executive and Division General Meetings and maintain good order during meetings;
- Does not vote on issues except in the case of a tie, and then shall cast the deciding vote;
- Act as Division Representative on the National Council at the National Annual General Meeting;
- Serve ex-officio member of all Division Standing ad hoc committees;
- Appoint and assist the Chair(s) of the various special events, if required;
- Ensure a financial reviewer is appointed by November of each year to conduct the annual financial report of Division accounts; and
- Liaise with the National Board of Directors.
Vice- President:
- Assist the President and when the President is absent, assume all duties and roles of the President;
- Act as Chair, Membership Committee and create/initiate proactive programs to attract new members to the Division.
13 Maintain and file all applications for membership in the Association;
- Act as Chair of the Credentials Committee;
- Keep and maintain the Division Register;
- Keep minutes and maintain records of all meetings;
- Immediately notify the National Board in writing of all changes to the Executive;
- Receive and file all correspondence.
- When leaving office, turn over all records, documents and property in his possession, belonging to the Division, to the incoming Secretary as soon as possible.
- Receive and deposit all monies from all sources in the Division bank account;
- Maintain a record of funds received from the National Office and to be disbursed in accordance with instructions attached to the funds;
- Prepare, maintain and retain adequate records of all monies received and paid;
- Ensure accounting practices established by National are followed in receipts and disbursements;
- Accounts shall be paid by cheque, endorsed by two (2) members of the Executive with signing authority;
- Collect and notify members of annual dues payable and contact those who are in arrears or are to be removed from the Nominal Roll for non-payment of dues;
- Ensure expenditures up to $500.00 have the approval of the Executive and expenditures over $500.00 have the approval of the membership by a majority vote at a Division General Meeting;
- Present the Division Annual Budget at the November General Meeting;
- Present at Division General Meetings, a written financial report of activity in the Division General Account, and in any other fund or investment account maintained by the Division;
- Ensure that on the death of any former member, a donation is made to the charity suggested by the family;
- Furnish the financial reviewer will all books, papers and information that the auditor may require to complete the annual financial report of the Division and/or National Treasurer as required.
- The Chairperson of the Social Committee shall be a Director appointed by the Executive, sit as a member of the Executive and shall carry out its duties according to the wishes of the General membership for the benefit of the Division. The Director shall be assisted by other member-appointees as deemed appropriate.
- The committee is responsible for providing cost estimates for functions planned for the coming year to the treasurer. These estimates will include projected costs for bartenders and food at monthly meetings.
- The Sick Committee chairperson shall be a Director appointed by the Executive and sit as a member of the Executive. The director shall be assisted by such other appointees deemed appropriate. All Division personnel are ex officio committee members.
- All Division personnel have a duty to report cases of illness, distress or death of other members to a member of the Executive who will communicate the intelligence received to the Sick Committee chair or other appropriate officials.
- Members of the committee will endeavour to visit or otherwise keep in touch with ill or distressed members to promote their comfort. Cases warranting it may be referred to the Division Benefits Officer.
- Members of the committee will advise the President and as many other members as possible on the death of a Division member and endeavour to promote funeral attendance by Division representatives. Appropriate assistance to the family of the deceased will be provided as deemed necessary.
- A pall for draping the casket or the table on which an urn containing ashes will be made available on request.
- Divisional members selected for duty or in voluntarily attendance at a funeral are encouraged to wear the red or blue Association or RCMP blazer with full-sized medals. When issued, Mourning Bands will be worn on the left sleeve midway between the elbow and shoulder.
- The Division Benefits Officer shall be appointed by the Division President and shall be a member of the Executive.
- While generally accountable to the Executive for his/her activity, the Division Benefits Officer shall hold in confidence details of individual cases on which he/she works. Interaction with National Headquarters’ officials respecting enquiries from or applications to either the RCMP Benefit Trust Fund or the Association Benefit Trust Fund shall observe all protocols in place or as required by Association/RCMP agreements.
- Benefits Officer investigations and communications shall be conducted expeditiously with tact, confidentiality, and diplomacy to forestall undue embarrassment to the applicant or his/her family.
- The Editor of the Newsletter shall be a Director appointed by the Executive, sit as a member of the Executive, and be responsible for the publication of the Newsletter of Toronto Division and for its mailing to those who cannot (or do not wish to) receive it via e-mail.
- The Editor will be supplied with material for publication from the General Membership or from the Division Secretary and other Divisional officials which will include Minutes of Regular or Executive meetings and items of interest from local, other Divisional, or National Headquarters’ sources.
- Costs of publishing and mailing the Newsletter shall be borne by the Division’s General account and an annual estimate of such costs shall be included in the Division’s Budget Plan for each year.
- The Division Advocate shall be appointed by the Executive to promote and communicate the rights of members as it relates to issues of pensions, insurance and health care, for the benefit of our members.
- The Division Advocate will report to the President and maintain a close working relationship with all Directors and Committee Members.
- The Division Canteen operations shall be under the control of a Canteen Manager
appointed by the Executive assisted by such persons as from time to time provide voluntary assistance at Canteen functions.
- The committee is composed of a Manager appointed by the Executive and such persons as from time to time who provide voluntary assistance.
- The committee will endeavour through periodic contact to maintain liaison with the Division’s roster of widows or widowers.
- The Division Benefits Officer will be contacted respecting circumstances affecting widows or widowers when the committee feels his/her attention is warranted.
- The Grave Inspection Program shall be under the control of a Manager appointed by the Executive, assisted by other members as /when required acting on behalf of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
- The Historical Research Program shall be under the control of a Manager appointed by the Executive to maintain, organize and secure all Division historical artefacts, photographs, articles and history of the Division and to liaise with the Grave Inspection Program regarding the location of new graves of former members of the Force.
- 1. The IT Director will be a position on the Division Executive. The Division Executive will annually appoint a member to be responsible for the IT requirements of the Division. The IT requirements are: Toronto Division’s portion of the Association’s Membership database, Toronto Division’s website, Toronto Division’s Records on I-cloud, Toronto Division’s presence on Facebook and Twitter, directing Bulletins and Newsletters to members and any other IT matter that Toronto Division’s Executive believes needs to be addressed.
- A Division Bursary Program may be established by a majority vote of members in attendance at a meeting of the Division to set the duration of the Program and the value of each individual bursary. The Division Bursary Program shall be under the control of a Manager appointed by the Executive for the duration of a Bursary Program. The Bursary Program Manager shall function in accordance with the requirement of Appendix 1 – Bursary Program Policies.
- Amendments, deletions, or additions to these Divisional Procedures shall be preceded by Notice of Motion, duly seconded, tabled at any General meeting of the Division which shall be voted upon at the next subsequent General meeting of the Division. A majority of members present is required for approval. A copy of amendments adopted by the Division is to be forwarded to National Office as per the Association Manual and recorded on the Table of Amendments sheet in this Manual.
APPENDIX 1 – Bursary Program Policies
- The Toronto Division Bursary Award program is intended to assist qualifying members of Toronto Division or their children or grandchildren in acquiring a post-secondary education. The numbers of bursaries and their value shall be as set in the motion establishing the Bursary Program. A person may only receive one bursary under this program. The Bursary Program will be under the control of the Bursary Program Manager appointed by the President for the stated duration of the Bursary Program.
- Successful candidates will have met the following criteria;
Produced satisfactory proof of acceptance to an accredited institution and/or
Produced a copy of their University/College Student Card.
Completed satisfactorily an application form as designed by Toronto Division Bursary Manager.
All applications with required supporting documentation must be received by Toronto Division Bursary Manager in accordance with dates established from time to time.
- Under the general supervision of The Bursary Program Manager, assisted by other members if necessary, drawing of the winning entry(ies) will be made at the Division’s General meeting in September.
- The Executive will monitor and review at least every third year and more often if deemed appropriate the Division’s Bursary Award program to ensure it is adequately funded and is generally being managed in the manner intended in this policy statement.
Subject only to approval of the policy being proposed for the management of Toronto Division’s Special Projects Fund, the funding for the Bursary Award program will be from sources in the order listed:
– Annual earnings of the Special Projects Fund,
– Annual earnings of any GICs held in the division’s operating account,
– Cash reserves in the operating account and
– Funds donated for the Purpose of the Bursary Program.
- Payments to successful applicants will be by way of cheque drawn on the operating account and will be presented in a manner directed by the division’s president.
- Toronto Division reserves the right to dissolve or amend the Bursary Award program by way of enabling motion approved by a simple majority of members attending a meeting at which the motion is tabled.
- The Bursary Manager will report on the results of each annual Bursary Program by the subsequent Division Annual General Meeting. The Division Treasurer will include an annual summary of all revenues and outlays recorded against the Bursary Award program in the Division Financial Year-end report.
APPENDIX 2 – Sick Committee Policies
- Members of our Association should keep the Sick Committee or a member of the Executive informed of any member or spouse of a member who is hospitalized or otherwise confined due to an illness or injury.
- Where possible and appropriate, a member of the Sick Committee or other member of the Association will visit or make contact with a member who is hospitalized or otherwise confined due to illness or injury.
- The Sick Committee or a member of the Executive will arrange for a suitable ‘comfort’ such as flowers or fruit basket for a member or their spouse, not more than once every six months, under the following circumstances and guidelines:
- Hospitalized for a period exceeding seven days.
- Confined to a residence for an extended period as a result of illness, injury or advanced age.
- Cost to be reasonable and appropriate considering circumstances and welfare of the Association.
- Some flexibility and discretion to be given to the Sick Committee’s good judgment in performing this function.
- Notify the Executive of the death of a former member or the spouse of a member of the Association and contact the family to determine if they wish the attendance of members of the Vets at the funeral or memorial service.
- A memorial tribute may be made on the death of a former member of the Force or the “spouse of a member of the Association” in the form of flowers or a donation to a charitable organization, as suggested by the family.
- Upon the death of a former member of the Force, a floral tribute or wreath up to the value of $100 (taxes & delivery charges included) or in lieu of flowers, a donation of $100 to a Registered Canadian Charity as suggested by the family. An application for recovery of this amount for a former member will be made to National HQ.
- Upon the death of a spouse or widow of a member of the Toronto Vet’s Association, a floral tribute in the amount of $50 (including taxes & delivery charges) or in lieu of flowers, a donation of $50 to an appropriate charity as suggested by the family.
- Tributes for a spouse / widow are not recoverable from National HQ.
APPENDIX 3 – Gravesite Inspections Policy
- Under the direction of the Grave Inspections Manager, this Program is mandated to:
- i) pay annual visits to the graves of deceased members that have a
regimental marker,
- ii) record the grave location,
iii) maintain the markers in a readable condition,
- iv) request corrective action of cemeteries in which grave markers
have deteriorated, i.e. sunken, fallen over, etc. and
- v) report Regimental Markers that have been damaged to “O”
Division, R.C.M.P. for remedial action.
- vi) request, through the office of the Commanding Officer, “O”
Division, a Regimental marker for the unmarked grave of a
qualifying member.
- The Manager will submit an Annual Report of visits to each of the Greater Toronto Area Detachments which have gravesites in their area, and also to “O” Division Administration offices for Divisional records, with a copy to Toronto Division Executive.
- The Manager of the Grave Inspection Program will work closely with the Manager, Historical Research Program in the identification and location of previously unknown grave sites of deceased former Members of the Force found during cemetery visits or revealed by historical research.
APPENDIX 4– Historical Research
- Under the direction of the Historical Research Manager, this Program is mandated to:
- i) Maintain a Toronto Division History
- ii) Through research, identify and locate graves of deceased former
members of the R.C.M.P., R.N.W.M.P. and N.W.M.P.
iii) Provide Historical Research on the behalf of the R.C.M.P. and/or
the R.C.M.P.V.A. as and when requested.
- The Manager will submit an Annual Report of research conducted to Toronto Division Executive at the Division Annual General Meeting and to other offices as circumstances dictate.
- The Manager of the Historical Research Program will work closely with the Manager, Graves Inspection in the identification and location of previously unknown grave sites of deceased former members of the Force found through research.
APPENDIX 5 – Information Technology Committee Responsibilities
The Committee is designed to facilitate the management of Toronto Division’s information technology as it pertains to both internal and external communications.
The Committee has the following responsibilities:
- Coordination of broadcast notifications to all members
- Transmit general meeting notifications
- Design and transmit Division Event flyers
- Transmit obituary notifications
- Assemble obituary data into mailouts
- Transmit Executive and General Meeting Minutes
- Transmit news from the Association and The Force
- Transmit opinion/voting surveys to members
- Transmit general meeting notifications
- Maintenance of the Divisional Database
- Record payments of dues
- Add new members – delete those leaving
- Record data changes – address, telephone number
- Assist the Treasurer in identifying non-payers of dues
- Maintenance of the Divisional Website
- Conduct software updates
- Post news events for the RCMPVA and The Force
- Maintain calendar of Division events
- Maintain Divisional Facebook and Twitter Accounts
- Maintenance of the Divisional Email Service (
- Respond to or direct external queries from the Division website to the appropriate Division Committee.
- File material for Division Register – Committee Reports
- Convey birthday greetings to members.
Software Employed
- RCMPVA database
- Mailchimp
- Survey Monkey
- (on line)
- Facebook, Twitter
- Affinity Photo / Designer
- Adobe Acrobat
- MS Word
- MS Excel
Signed by: _________________________ & _____________________________
(Christian Tardif, President) (Fred Fitzsimmons, Secretary)
At Toronto, Ontario this 21st day of January, 2015
Section | Date
Amended |
FEB 17, 2016 | RESOLUTION |
Add: Para 5 Associate Members….. Para 5 Members who … becomes Para 6
APR 18, 2018 | RESOLUTION |
APR 18, 2018 | RESOLUTION |
Remove Para 2 & 3
APR 18, 2018 | RESOLUTION |
Remove: MOU with Jym Grimshaw Replace with: Information Technology (IT) Committee Responsibilities
APR 18, 2018 | RESOLUTION |