Old_Orders of Dress

Part 6 Chapter 6.2- Orders of Dress

The following are guidelines respecting dress of the Association. Organizers of a function should specify the appropriate dress. Association members are encouraged to wear the following in order of preference or availability; Red or Blue Blazer, Business Suit, Sports Jacket or Best Outfit.

Business Attire

Business Attire:
- Blue Blazer (Red Blazer optional)
-White Shirt, Regimental Tie (RCMP Tartan Optional)
-Gray Pants (Dark Blue with Red Blazer)
-Black Belt (with or without Crest)
-Black socks and shoes (Oxfords or Pumps)
-Neutral colored ladies hose
-Business Suit, Sports Jacket or Best outfit if above not available)
-Female members: Navy blue crested blazer with brass buttons, white blouse, dark grey trousers or skirts, black shoes and Regimental or Tartan Tie.
Blue Blazer with Crest

Ceremonial Dress: Parades

Ceremonial Dress: Parades:
-Red Blazer (Blue Blazer optional)
-Medals (full)
-Regimental Tie
-White Gloves
-Wedge Cap (Official Cap of the Association)
-Dark Blue or Navy pants (Gray with Blue Blazer)
-Black Belt
-Black Socks
-Neutral colored hose (female dress)
-White Shirt
-Black shoes (Oxford – Pumps)
Ceremonial Dress

Formal Dress

Formal Dress:-Red Blazer (Blue optional)-Miniature Medals (full Medals Optional)-Formal Dress Shirt (White shirt Optional)-Black Bow Tie (RCMP Tartan optional)-Regimental Tie (RCMP Tartan Tie optional)-Black cummerbund (RCMP Tartan cummerbund optional)-Dark Blue or Navy pants (Grey with Blue Blazer)-Dark Blue or Black floor length Skirt (Grey with Blue Blazer)-Black Socks (neutral colored hose – female)-Black Shoes (Oxfords or pumps)-Tuxedoes, Business Suits may be worn if above dress is not available.

Formal Dress

Dress Guidelines

Dress Guidelines:

The following guidelines should be read in conjunction with the above orders of dress.

When headdress is specified, the wedge cap should be worn. If not available no headdress should be worn.
Miniature medals are to be worn with Order No. 3, Formal Dress, if available and large medals, when specified, are worn with the other orders of dress. Usually large medals are worn unless the occasion is of an informal nature. Large medals are worn on the left breast with the bottom of the medals located approximately one centimeter above the pocket line and centered over the crest. Miniature medals are centered on the left lapel, the bottom of the medals located approximately one center miter above the top line of the breast pocket. Service medals are worn on the left breast while others such as the Royal Humane Society, Royal Canadian Legion, worn on the right Emblems - such as poppies Remembrance Day, Maple Leaf on Canada Day are worn on the left lapel, above the medals or above the place where medals would be worn.
President’s Medallion:
The National President and Governors wear this medallion, which has a Scarlet and gold ribbon, around the neck. Division Presidents and Past Presidents wear this medallion with a blue and gold ribbon around the neck. The Medallion is to be worn whilst chairing meetings or during functions with medals. See www.gg.ca for Orders & Decorations.
Such as poppies for Remembrance Day and Maple Leaf on Canada Day are worn on the left lapel, above the medals or above the place where medals would be worn.