
Toronto Division warmly welcomes you and thanks you for your interest in applying for membership in our Division. The categories of membership, and their requirements, are shown below.   Please read the material carefully before submitting your application.

Membership Criteria


Voting Membership:
Pays current Annual Association Dues + a Division Fee.  The dues amount for the period 2023 to 2025 (Association + Division fees) is as follows:  2023 – $80 ($50 + $30), 2024 – $80 ($55 + $25) and 2025 $80 – ($60 + $20).

Active membership shall be available only to a person of good character who has had his/her application reviewed and eligibility requirements confirmed by a Division credentials committee and who is,

  • a former member of the RCMP (RM) (CM)
  • a former member of the RCMP Reserve
  • a former member of the RCMP Auxiliary,
  • a former member of the Federal Public Service (PSE) or Municipal Employee (ME) who has worked in the employment of the RCMP.

Anyone who ceased to be employed, or has been dismissed or discharged from the RCMP because of discreditable conduct is prohibited from membership in the RCMP Veterans’ Association.

Terms and Conditions of Membership


Non-voting Membership: No Dues
Voting Membership (Division issues): Annual Division Fee of $25*.

Associate membership shall be available to a person of good character who has had his/her application reviewed and approved by a Division credentials committee and who is:

  • a serving Regular, Reserve or Auxiliary member, Public Service Employee (PSE), or Municipal Employee (ME) of the RCMP,
  • the spouse/partner of an Active Member who does not qualify as an Active Member,
  • the spouse/partner of a Life Member,
  • the widow/widower of a deceased serving or former member of the RCMP, or of a deceased member of the Association,
  • a person not otherwise defined above who is of good character, has demonstrated an affinity to the Association, has been recommended by an Active or Life Member, and has been accepted for Associate membership by ordinary resolution at a Division Meeting.

* Serving members and employees who are accepted for Associate membership do not pay any dues or fees unless they wish otherwise.

Toronto Division Membership Dues

For more information on joining, or if you want to make your Dues + Fees payment by credit card, go to the Association (National) webpage and click on the large “Apply for Membership Button”.  Active and Associate application forms can also be accessed through the National site.

If you prefer to apply direct to Toronto Division you can complete the Toronto Division Application Form and mail it to the address noted below.  Payment can be made by cheque or you can request e-Transfer details.

Payment of Membership Dues or fees Dues are upon application and thereafter renew on or before January 1st each year.  They may be paid at one of our general meetings, via post, or by e-Transfer which can be arranged with the treasurer.

The Treasurer
RCMP Veterans’ Association
2679 Hardy Crescent
Oakville, Ontario
L6J 7C1