A Tribute to Albertans

As people run for their lives with only the clothes on their back, like refugees in their own province,
As people lose everything and have to drive away past burning homes, confused, scared and desperate to escape…they do the
unthinkable….They stop…to help others, they throw their own belongings to the ground to make room for those stranded on the
side of the road.

They open their homes and businesses for strangers in need. They walk for miles down a highway with a gas can where people are stuck
in traffic asking ‘who needs gas’. They fight a monster for hours on end, all the while knowing they have no home to go back to themselves.

Almost 90 000 incredible people were evacuated from Fort McMurray in less than 24 hours. With NOT ONE story of violence, looting or
price gouging against their fellow man.

Instead they shared what little they had, made sure everyone had a safe place to sleep or a shoulder to cry on.

As a country we have won many medals, trophies and honors the world over and it always gives us a sense of pride.

But this…this situation…there is no prize here! No medals coming for these people. REAL HEROES don’t wear capes.

To the incredible people of Alberta and the entire country coast to coast, Thank You. For reminding us all what it means to be an
amazing and a true Canadian.